Jordanian Democracy
Jordanian democracy is among the major reform projects launched by His Majesty King Abdullah II, based on the notion that political development is a point of strength for Jordan as a comprehensive national project. Jordanian democracy is more than elections. It is an effective system that does not stop, giving the community the opportunity to participate in decision making, and guaranteeing the civil rights of every citizen, including minorities.
Latest of Contents
King meets German official, discusses economic support
Speech from the Throne By His Majesty King Abdullah II
Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II During a Gathering with National Public Figures
King meets President of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Petra Conference of Nobel Laureates
Royal Decree adjourns parliament’s extraordinary session and summons it in an ordinary session as of mid-November
"Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II At the meeting with heads and members of the executive, legislative and judicial authorities"
King meets Irbid Governorate dignitaries
King honours Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation 25th anniversary