Jordan's Governing System

The first article in the Jordanian Constitution stipulates that the Jordanian state has a parliamentary system of government with a hereditary monarchy.
The Jordanian political system is based on the principle of separation of the three powers — the executive, legislative and judicial authorities. The Constitution also identifies the duties and tasks of each power, which should be undertaken without encroaching on another authority. The relations among these powers are collaborative, balanced and complementary.
His Majesty the King is the head of state. Under Article 26 of the Constitution, executive power is vested in the King, who exercises powers through ministers.
Under Article 35, the King appoints the prime minister and may dismiss him or accept his resignation. The King also appoints the ministers; dismisses them or accepts their resignation, upon the recommendation of the prime minister.
Moreover, Article 25 of the Constitution stipulates that legislative power is vested in Parliament and the King. The Parliament consists of a Senate and a House of Representatives.
Article 36 stipulates that the King appoints the members of the Senate and its president from amongst them. The King also accepts the resignation of senators.
The House of Representatives, under Article 67 of the Constitution, consists of members elected by secret ballot in a general direct election and in accordance with the provisions of an election law, which ensures the integrity of the polls, the right of candidates to monitor the electoral process and the punishment of any person who may adversely influence the will of voters or the integrity of the entire process.
As for the judicial authority, Article 27 stipulates its independence, exercised by the courts of law in their varying types and degrees. All rulings are given in accordance with the law and are pronounced in the name of the King.
Judges are completely independent, answering to none but the law. They are appointed and dismissed in civil and Sharia courts by Royal Decree.