What does it mean to be Jordanian?

A true Jordanian is one who is proud of his/her identity and belonging to this country. A true Jordanian places the interests of his/her country before any other interest or consideration.
A true Jordanian, at times of crisis and difficulties for the country, transcends in dignity and faithfulness any other personal, partisan or regional interest and stands by his/her country as it rises to overcome the challenges.
A true Jordanian draws strength from the homeland, rather than trying to overpower the country or seize the opportunity to incite others against it.
A true Jordanian does not accept any agenda other than that serving his/her country and the ambitions and sacrifices of Jordanians.
A true Jordanian measures his/her real assets by the size of sacrifices, giving and achievement, rather than money and power.
A true Jordanian views the future and the modernisation process with determination and resolve, derives his/her strength and confidence in the future from faith in God Almighty and pride in the country’s history, heritage and noble values.
A true Jordanian does not accept failure, but rather defies and overcomes the impossible.
To be Jordanian means that we work hand in hand to maximise the achievements, perform our duties towards our country and fight all forms of extremism. Good citizenship and true belonging are measured by what we give to our country, rather than what we take from it.
His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein
Remarks on the occasion of the University of Jordan’s 50th Anniversary
10 December 2012