Reform Roadmap
Jordan’s reform drive, which is based on His Majesty King Abdullah II’s vision, is built on the premise that Jordanian democracy emanates from within and is centred on building strong democratic institutions, which are a key element in democratic transformation. It is also based on the belief that any political transformation must be grounded in national unity and the protection of basic rights and freedoms for all
Latest of Contents
King swears in new president of Court of Cassation
His Majesty King Abdullah II chairs a follow-up meeting on the implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Committee for Developing the Judiciary and Enhancing the Rule of Law
His Majesty King Abdullah II meets with the president and members of the Judicial Council
His Majesty King Abdullah II swears in Mohammad Ghazou as president of the Court of Cassation
Royal Decree appoints Ghazou as Court of Cassation president
Royal Decree prorogues Parliament
King issues discussion paper on education
Seventh Discussion Paper: "Developing Human Resources and Education Imperative for Jordan’s Progress"
His Majesty King Abdullah II visits the Prime Ministry and chairs part of the Cabinet meeting