Reform Roadmap
Jordan’s reform drive, which is based on His Majesty King Abdullah II’s vision, is built on the premise that Jordanian democracy emanates from within and is centred on building strong democratic institutions, which are a key element in democratic transformation. It is also based on the belief that any political transformation must be grounded in national unity and the protection of basic rights and freedoms for all
Latest of Contents
Speech from the Throne By His Majesty King Abdullah II
Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II During a Gathering with National Public Figures
Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II receiving draft constitutional amendments
Blueprint, #Jordan2025
The Jordanians Expatriates Conference
His Majesty King Abdullah II's remarks during a meeting with representatives and community leaders in Aqaba
The weekly wrap up of His Majesty King Abdullah II key activities during the week 24-30 July 2015
"Regarding festive firing, His Majesty: the state will exercise zero-tolerance with those practicing this phenomenon