Reform Roadmap
Jordan’s reform drive, which is based on His Majesty King Abdullah II’s vision, is built on the premise that Jordanian democracy emanates from within and is centred on building strong democratic institutions, which are a key element in democratic transformation. It is also based on the belief that any political transformation must be grounded in national unity and the protection of basic rights and freedoms for all
Latest of Contents
His Majesty King Abdullah II meets with representatives of refugee camps at the Royal Hashemite Court
Conversation with H.M. King Abdullah II in WEF Annual Meeting 2013, Davos
National Integrity Charter
Speech from the throne
The weekly wrap up of His Majesty King Abdullah II key activities during the week 4- 8 Oct 2015
National Integrity System
Abdullah Nsour and new Cabinet sworn in before His Majesty King Abdullah II
His Majesty King Abdullah II's remarks to the Independent Elections Commission
His Majesty King Abdullah II's meeting with the Economic and Social Council