Royal Decree approves Cabinet decision to proclaim Defence Law

A Royal Decree has been issued, approving the Cabinet’s decision to proclaim the Defence Law number 13 for the year 1992, taking effect across the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, as of 17 March 2020.
His Majesty King Abdullah sent a letter to Prime Minister Omar Razzaz. Following is the English translation:
“In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful,
Your Excellency Dr Omar Razzaz,
The Prime Minister,
Peace, God's mercy and blessings be upon you,
I convey to you and your colleagues my greetings and deep thanks and appreciation for your efforts, in coordination with the various state institutions, to address these exceptional conditions facing our dear nation.
As the challenges arising from the global conditions caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus obligate us to protect the health and wellbeing of our fellow Jordanians and ensure their safety; and as part of our commitment to this responsibility; we have decreed the approval of the Cabinet’s recommendation to proclaim the activation of the Defence Law number 13 for the year 1992, out of our keenness to ensure the continuation of exerted efforts and remove any obstacles that may arise while countering this plight.
I hereby direct the Government to ensure that the implementation of the Defence Law and the orders issued under it will be within the most limited scope possible, without infringing on Jordanians’ political and civil rights, but, rather, safeguarding them and protecting public liberties and the right to self-expression enshrined in the Constitution and in accordance with regular laws currently in effect, and guaranteeing the respect of private property, be it real estate, or movable and immovable funds.
For the goal of promulgating this exceptional law is to provide an additional tool to safeguard public health, protect the wellbeing of citizens, enhance performance, and increase coordination among all to counter this epidemic.
Your Excellency,
Since the start of this pandemic, I have been closely following the minutest of details regarding its spread and means to counter it, and I have directed the Government to take pre-emptive measures, set plans, and implement procedures to safeguard our nation and our citizens as the top priority. These measures, with God’s grace, have proven effective.
My faith in the awareness of Jordanians is unwavering. They have proven, time and again, to be up to that trust, and I fully believe, from what I have observed, that they are the main pillar in addressing the current exceptional circumstances and countering this epidemic and preventing its spread by following instructions and adhering to regulations that all serve the sole purpose of safeguarding their health and wellbeing.
It would be remiss not to commend the efforts of all those working in the Government and our civil, military, and security agencies, which have had a tangible effect on citizens’ trust. And I reaffirm my pride in the level of public awareness in dismissing rumours that serve no purpose beyond undermining the effectiveness of these efforts.
Your Excellency,
The measures taken to alleviate the impact on citizens and meet their needs for healthcare, education, and basic commodities are effective and necessary. The Government must step up and continue efforts to mitigate burdens on citizens, and take the necessary measures to safeguard and maintain their health, wellbeing, and living requirements, through effective coordination among the various relevant state institutions.
The Government must also take all the measures needed to sustain the private sector and its institutions, while maintaining the operation of public facilities, particularly those that serve citizens.
I would like to express my pride in the personnel of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army and security agencies, as well as every doctor, nurse, and technical and administrative staff member working in our medical institutions, for their great efforts amidst these conditions.
Once again, I reaffirm that the health of Jordanians is a sacred matter, and their wellbeing is above all else. They are at the top of my priorities, and we must all work diligently to counter this plight, which we will overcome, with God’s support, and with the awareness of our dependable people.
May God protect Jordan and Jordanians, and grant us success in serving our dear people.
Peace, God's mercy and blessings be upon you.
Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein
Amman, 22 Rajab 1441 Hijri
17 March 2020.”