Financial support to be disbursed to martyrs’ families under royal directives

In implementation of royal directives, the Royal Hashemite Court, in coordination with the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army and security agencies, will provide financial support to the families of 2,092 martyrs on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.
The assistance will be disbursed through the fund to support the families of martyred army and security officers, which was established upon the directives of His Majesty King Abdullah earlier this year, with orders to allocate JD5 million from the Royal Hashemite Court’s budget as a donation to the fund.
The royal directives came in line with King Abdullah’s appreciation of his comrades in arms and his keenness to provide support for their families.
The fund is now receiving donations from the private sector as well.
Under the fund’s regulations, the financial assistance is disbursed by the Royal Hashemite Court through a special account for the fund at the Central Bank of Jordan.
The assistance is given to the heir of each martyr on the anniversary of the officer’s martyrdom, the anniversaries of Al Karamah Battle and the Great Arab Revolt, and the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, in addition to the occasions of Army Day, Eid Al Fitr, and Eid Al Adha.
School assistance is also given to the children of martyrs at the start of every scholastic year.