
Crown Prince spends afternoon in Umm Qais

30 April 2019

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II spent Tuesday afternoon in Umm Qais, Irbid, one of Jordan’s top tourist attractions.

Crown Prince Al Hussein highlighted the diverse tourism experiences offered by Jordan, and the importance of capitalising on them to promote domestic tourism and attract more Arab and foreign tourists to Jordan.

His Royal Highness added that the tourism sector is a pillar of Jordan’s economy, which reflects positively on developing local communities.

As part of the Crown Prince’s support for self-employment projects, His Royal Highness engaged with two successful examples during the visit. The first one was with tour guide Alaa Akash, who took the Crown Prince on a tour of Umm Qais, which was known as Gadara, of the Roman Decapolis cities.

Crown Prince Al Hussein also had a home-cooked lunch at Um Muhammad’s, who offers food and lodging at her home, providing tourists and visitors with an authentic experience of Jordanian culture.

During the visit, His Royal Highness toured Umm Qais on a bicycle with a group of youth from the area.