Letter accepting the resignation of Prime Minister Nader Dahabi

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate
Your Excellency Prime Minister Nader Dahabi,
Peace God's mercy and blessings be upon you,
It is with pleasure that I send you and your colleagues the ministers my warmest greetings and best wishes for success and happiness and to express to you all my deep thanks and appreciation for your sincere efforts and continuous work during your tenure.
More than two years ago, I entrusted you with the responsibility of prime minister, and you and your ministerial team implemented what you were able to from the projects and plans, included in the designation letter, to strengthen our development process, a process that we are keen to continue, and to ensure the equal distribution of its benefits across all regions and social strata in order to raise the quality of services provided to citizens and improve their standard of living as part of our vision for a decent life that our dear people deserve.
I am confident that you have worked with your best potential and with serious and dedicated efforts to serve your country with the spirit of altruism and sense of responsibility. May God reward you for what you have given your country.
Now that you have tendered your resignation and that of your ministerial team in order to rest or move to other positions of work and dedication, I hereby accept your resignation and that of your ministerial team. I emphasise my deep thanks and appreciation for your dedication, and know that you will remain the source of my respect and appreciation.
Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein
Amman, 9 December 2009